Tuesday, May 25, 2010

 It's been awhile I know, but there has been much going on simultaneously and much not good.

The good:
          We aren't getting evicted. . .so far.  This relies on APS (Adult Protective Services) and if they will come through for me.  Many of the other agencies, including our lawyer and hoping that they do what is needed so that my daughter and I aren't living in a homeless shelter (well, she'll probably end up in a shelter while they may put me away).

          They are doing "repairs" in the apartment.  More like a cosmetic face lift.  They haven't completed the living room [where I sleep sitting up], the kitchen and are starting the bathroom today.  I believe, due to the judgment ye ole Honor set that finishing the apt.  in 30 days, the Landlord and his "crew" are trying to get each room as done, well as much as possible  
          My daughter is in college (two majors and one minor) and with all that is happening, trying to maintain her honor status.      

The bad:
         My daughter got suspended from her "city" tutoring job due to her honesty. WTF!  She told the truth that she had quit a job before, sent them (board of Ed.) a copy via fax (also told her that they would reinstate her after they receive the fax-Lied) and now they want a "sit down" to discuss that matter. Idiots is what they are!
         Decisions of either paying the rent (which is close to a grand), of which you don't even have 75% of that-sucks!  Pay the bills late, including their late fees-grrrrr.  Try o be honest and almost always, you get screwed!
         And my daughter is ill. . .cannot afford a Dr., so she is suffering. I am always in pain, however, I still had a few of my meds that help, so am worried about youngest.   

          Lost internet services for FIVE days!  Verizon wanted me to pay for a new router!   I said, "Hold up, I am renting my services from you so you should give me the router too (since this is a renting service)".  They finally agreed, so I have an updated, new router.  Wonder if they will give a 5 day credit for not being on the internet. . .hmmm.   Have so much email it is ridiculous, so am playing catch up with everything, hoping I don't delete something I may need later.

The sum up.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Leave It

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This  "blog" I will be leaving open since I end up losing the thoughts that literally fly out of my mind.  Sometimes they stop. . .like NOW!   Geesuz. . .damn. . .

Well, it's raining outside, cats are perfectly comfortable laying beside and around me on the futon where I have spent the last two years living on, sucks really.  Miss walking and going out to dance, enjoyed dancing a lot. . .stayed physically healthy as well being so active.

This ended in September, 2006, in the hospital diagnosed with DVT (deep vein thrombosis), now prone to this sucky ailment adding to my other problems, doesn't seem right, just dealing with it all.  My own drama.

LandLord Shenanigans

Friday, April 16, 2010

I know that the lawyer must have told his client, the Landlord, that "you are evicting a person who's disabled, can't walk along with other problems".   My daughter spoke to the Landlords lawyer at the last court appearance telling him that I was, indeed, disabled. The Landlord (as with many who own buildings and rent out)  doesn't care about people, just "how much money I can get for that apartment" attitude.  

I have been ill as well for the last few weeks and am trying to "suck it up", in order to do what I can to help my daughter and our situation here. Working the surveys to see if I can qualify as well as the PTC sites I am a member of.  It's a pity I cannot earn enough on my own so here  is a few programs that may interest you to join.  My profile is on here as well, don't know why I wasn't able to get it on here.

  In the last two weeks, we have received two documents from the Landlord's lawyer. One was a rent demand notice and the other is a court doc.   The court doc didn't have a court date so my daughter had to take off her morning classed to get a date yesterday.  Cannot believe that the Landlord wants interest on the back rent as well as wanting us to pay his lawyers fees!  Piece of work, is putting this all nicely.

All this stress. . .I worry about my daughter and her schooling-how it's affecting her homework (it's already affecting her class participation with all the days she had already missed) and don't this to affect her optimism. 

So, next week Thursday is the day she'll be in court. . .another day for my daughter to miss her classes and this may end up being adjourned since our lawyer may not be able to be there. Just have to keep upbeat and throw all the negativity on here.


Still The Waiting. . .

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It has been weeks now. . .no new court papers, no visit from the "landlord" to fix the many things that is wrong with this apartment along with our lawyer saying again and again, "I will be talking to him on Monday" (how many Mondays does it take to get some sort of answer-are things progressing, is he going to come fix the broken windows we endured through winter).!

Just so frustrating with other emotions meandering about within.  If I had the ability to walk like I used to, I believe things would be moving along a lot faster.  Sucks how so many take advantage of the disabled. 

Now What?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

OK, my daughter left to go to court, along with the neighbor to meet the lawyer.  The lawyer wanted to dismiss the case, since we live in a rent stabilized apartment. . .I was sleeping, sitting up (have to due to my back) on the futon when my daughter left, hoping for good news when she got back. . .

I awakened around 11:09 when my daughter walked in the door, stating that the Landlord's lawyer, withdrew the case. . .withdrew? Why? WTF? 
What now. . .?

Our lawyer stated that if they are looking for another way to kick us out, don't settle for anything under $75K (well that's my number to settle, the lawyer's was a little lower).  We'll see. . .we'll see

The Wireless Rodent

Friday, February 5, 2010

Well, the old mouse has given up to scrolling, clicking. . .everything really.  Kept seeing this pop up on the toolbar.  Something to the effect of saying, "USB connection has malfunctioned.  Doesn't  recognize the connection, please click this message for help."

"Help, click here"? Can't even make the damn thing move to click there!  Grrr. . .  Stupid ass message. . .how do I click there at the bottom of the tool bar when this crap isn't. . . won't even connect to move to any direction?  I have to finish my surfing, surveys to complete,. . .don't feel good and this is making me feel worse...Urg. .so pissed (moving the mouse quickly in circles while that stupid message keeps popping up). "  Whoever came up with this message, I hope they didn't mean "mouse", cause it certainly doesn't apply.  Of course not, just all USB connections that aren't working. . .still angry though!  Dummies!

My daughter got tired of my bitchin', and went to get me a new mouse at Radio Shack.  Called to let me know the prices, so I picked the least expensive one. . .well, at least it's wireless.  

Realize that it's mostly my fault the other one is/has broken.  Ran into the wire, knocking it down. . .hard to move about, arthritis and all, but I could have been more careful.  Enough confession, sorry!

It's a Gigaware wireless Optical, (optical. . .must be a tech term) Mouse.  Let's see. . .sensor, 2.4GHZ, 5 buttons with a rubberized grip. . .hmm, sounds good.  Damn, needs batteries. . .2 triple A.  Well I have a few in the DVD controller.   Oh yeah, forgot. . .daughter brought insurance, so it's also covered for a year in case of breakage. . .cool.

OK, it works good, sometimes feels like I am pushing instead of clicking on the left of the mouse, but all-in-all, works fine.  Even shuts itself down when not in use, cool.  The wireless mouse is here to stay! Yay!!

That's the sum up!

This Part Is Done

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My daughter went and did the intake to get a "pro bono" (free) lawyer so, at least, now we have a lawyer. . .sigh, thank goodness!  Our lawyer is going to ask for a dismissal of our case since:

  • We haven't used the apartment to commit any crimes
  • My apartment is rent stabilized, so the new Landlord(s) cannot raise the rent
  • We have been living here for over 15 years, so he can't just kick us out 
  • I am disabled, both physically and mentally. . .thanks for understanding all!
So, in a few weeks, we'll know what the end result will be. . .hoping all goes well.  

That's the sum up


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Well, court date for
the eviction ongoing process is
February 16, 2010

Still waiting on the "intake" from a
"Pro_bono" type lawyer group, no answer. . .yet
APS would love to shrug their responsibility through this

Yeah, . . .right, just more for me to stress deeply
Under the 'guise of tra-la-la. . .so hard
Trying to stay optimistic!


Finally. . .

Friday, January 22, 2010

I am posting late
My apologies. . .
Finally received the answers
Well, some of the answers anyway.

Received the call from APS, and
Mr. H, who is from their 
Agency, came over and gave more
Information about what is needs to be done

Due to the eviction process as well as
His supervisor, Ms M, giving me the answers
Needed to moving into public housing
[Projects to all that doesn't know what PH means].

Just need to start some sort of residual earning here
On the internet. . .TIRED!!
Wish I wasn't disabled, hate waiting on others to help me!
Just the sum up.

Mouse Adjustments

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When it rains, it pours!
PC mouse doesn't want to work
On any smooth surfaces. . .
The red light underneath won't stay on!
Unless, I am holding a book
While adjusting the mouse on it? 
Feels like I am using a steering
Wheel trying to park!  LOL

Cannot believe this, so
Frustrating, every time I
Have to click! D*#n! 

Grrrr. . .definitely need to
Buy a new one, gonna check gift
Certificates, yay!


Saturday's Knocker

There's a rapping on my door. . .takes a while to get there. . .
Knocks again, "just a minute [damn]"
Open and there who is, "I am one of the owners

of the building, I am the construction owner, the one who fixes the building".

( legs hurting) "are you OK? ",said the "construction LL"
*LL is short for Landlord
No, not OK, I replied. "We want to give you financial
Help to move, don't want to work on the apartment
With dust hitting around you" (says this a few times).  Get in touch with APS, (*APS=Adult Protective Services) alright.
"This is between you, your daughter and I"

I have to go and sit down, raise my legs, you have a card?
"No, (scribbles name and cell # on small paper)
Give me a call OK?"   Understand
[jerk]  as I close door and limp back to futon.
This is the sum up on January 16, 2010.
